Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good Morning Baltimore!!

Technically, it's goodbye Baltimore.  Yesterday we got back after a weekend in Maryland.  I needed to see the Andy Warhol exhibit that was at the BMA (Baltimore Museum of Art) so we took a trip this Thanksgiving break.  Andy Warhol is amazing.  It was so fascinating to see some of his final works before he passed (mysteriously after a routine gall bladder procedure).  He was such an interesting artist and I wonder what was going through his mind as he chose to do the different things that he did.  He did a lot of screen-printing, by he also used paints, among other things.  I think that it is so interesting that he applied paint with a mop.  A mop!!  Who would think to do something like that (someone with creativity)?

We didn't just go to the BMA for two days.  We also attended the science museum.  They had a special exhibit on collecting treasure and life aboard a ship.  There were pirates and famous sinkings.  Their feature was the SS Republic and how the machine, named Zeus, was able to retrieve different artifacts.  If you wanted to, you could try to retrieve coins with a little mechanical arm that was able to lift them up using a little suction cup at the end.  One could also experience the winds of a hurricane.  You step into a large tube and the wind picks up.  It went up to 78.7 miles per hour.

The final museum that we attended was the I Spy museum.  This where we looked at how the creator [insert name here] created his brilliant I spy scenes and photographs.  Some of the scenes were even in the exhibit.  It was fascinating.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Behind the wheel...

Well, not yet.  But I am allowed to be now, as long as I have an adult in the car and its between any daylight hour.  I got my permit today!!!  Talk about a nerve-racking experience.  I wasn't too nervous walking in, but after we checked in and received our number, I started to freak.  I was sitting there, absorbing every last piece of information I could from my manual before it was my turn.  Every time the little robotic voice would come over the loud speaker and say "now serving number..." I felt my heart thud against my rib cage.  My little sister would say, "its not you," and my mom would tell me to calm down.  Eventually though, it was me.  I took an extremely easy vision test and my photograph was taken.  They then told be to go down to computer 4 and it was time.  37 days 17 hours and 46 minutes after I was eligible for my permit, I got it.  My mom let me drive the car in the neighborhood.  I did alright (I hope).  After I got home, my father had fun entertaining me with stories about children crashing and totaling their parents' car.  Something new to worry about...